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Ware, Jackson, Lee, O’Neill, Smith & Barrow, LLP partner, Dennis Barrow, obtained a $9.25 million settlement of a personal injury claim.

Ware, Jackson, Lee, O’Neill, Smith & Barrow, LLP partner, Dennis Barrow, represented a Texas family following the tragic death of a baby and severe injury to the wife following a collision with a delivery truck.  When Ware, Jackson, Lee, O’Neill, Smith & Barrow, LLP were hired, the case had been pending for almost two years, yet no depositions had been taken.  Plaintiffs replaced their former lawyers with WJLOSB partner, Barrow.

After vigorous discovery, plaintiffs settled pre-trial for $9.25 million of which plaintiffs received $5,250,000 after deduction of $4 million in attorneys’ fees and expenses.

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